Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My kid is cute!

I'm not always able to capture on camera every cute thing that Nathan does (and he's been doing a LOT of cute things lately!) so I thought I'd list them here!

We think Nathan is stinking cute when 

-he starts singing the clean up song he learned from daycare and puts his toys away

-he puts our shoes on and tries to walk around the house (he doesn't get very far!)

-he falls asleep in the car while eating a cracker

-he drives his cars on our shoulders, backs and arms

-he chases the dogs around the house in circles (This is usually a sign he's beyond tired!)

-he points to cars the same color as ours and says "Mama" or "Dada"

-he asks us to get on the floor so he can wrestle with us and climb all over us (His way of asking is usually pointing at the floor and saying, "down")

-he points to the ipod and signs "more" because he wants to listen to his music

-he points to books we've read before and asks us to read them again.  He usually will say "Mama" or "Dada" when pointing at the book indicating the last person who read it to him.

-he points at the sky anytime he hears a plane or helicopter fly by.  (Even inside the house he can hear them!)

-he points at the door and says "ice" anytime he hears the music of the ice cream man driving by.  (Remember we live in the ghetto and have at least 5 ice cream trucks driving in our neighborhood daily!)

-he watches me doing my hair and tries to put the clip I'm using in his own hair.

-he runs down the driveway and shouts hello to the neighborhood anytime we are getting ready to go somewhere

-he "helps" with the laundry and puts all the clothes I'm folding from the basket onto the couch.

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