Saturday, July 9, 2011

From Beginning to End, God Knows!

This summer, while on break from BSF, I am studying the books of Esther and Ruth.  I just finished studying my first lesson (I'm using a study called Precept Upon Precept) that covered chapters 1 and 2 of Esther.  This bible study has me look into the historical aspects of the story, which I have never done before.  Mordecai, Esther's Uncle, was one of the many Jews who was exiled from Judah by the King of Babylon.  Later once the Persians and Medes took over and released the Jews from exile, they were allowed to rebuild God's temple.  It's interesting to note who God chose to utilize in the rebuilding of his temple: King Cyrus, a man who did not acknowledge him as God!  My study also pointed me to the Isaiah 44:24-45:7.  Isaiah actually prophesied that Cyrus would be an instrument in rebuilding God's temple, more than 100 years before he was even born!

God is sovereign and uses who he wants to accomplish his purposes.  It is God, not man who is strong.  These verses in Isaiah and in Esther really spoke to me in where I am in life right now.  God knows when and how our baby will arrive and become a part of our family.  He has perfect timing, I don't.  Just as he planned how to use Cyrus years before he was born, he also planned for Esther to be Queen at this point in time as well.  God knows about our situation too!  This has really brought comfort to my soul, and although I know I will still struggle with worry at future points in time, I serve a God who has things planned out from beginning to end!!

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