Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mother's Day

Exactly a week from today will be a holiday, that for the last few years, I have dreaded:  Mother's Day.  The first year we started trying it wasn't that big of a deal--I mean we had only been trying for a few months!  The next year was harder and every subsequent year after that grew more difficult.

Mother's Day, although it has good intentions, is a reminder to those of us who do not have children (but desperately long for them) of everything we do not have.  For some, it's a reminder of everything we have lost through miscarriage, stillbirth or adoption loss.

Last Mother's Day was the first year (after 3 years of trying) that I actually enjoyed my day because I was what I liked to call, "Paper Pregnant".  We had started the adoption process and were on our way to becoming certified.  Ben and I registered at Buy Buy Baby that day to symbolize everything we were anticipating to come from the adoption process.

Fast forward to the present:  next Sunday will be my first Mother's Day as a Mommy!  It's nice to have a day to be recognized but to be honest I don't need a day to celebrate everything I love about being a Mom.  My son's smile.  His long eyelashes that curl (we gals would kill for them!).  His laugh when I come to get him in the morning.  His crazy kicking feet when he's excited.  I could go on...

Although I look forward to celebrating next week I will also not forget the many women I know that still are longing for the day they will be called Mom.  Nathan's birth mom is sure to be on my mind next Sunday as well.  Because of her beautiful sacrifice I am a Mom!  I will remain forever grateful for the gift she grew inside her for 9 months and then placed in our arms.

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