Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bedtime Routines

Every time we lay Nathan down to sleep we try to do the same things:

We swaddle him and put him in his "sleeping" bag (a nickname Ben created for the miracle blanket)

We say "good night" to the sun and turn off the lights

We turn on his white noise machine and/or his humidifier

We pray

And sometimes we sing, "Jesus Loves Me"

Then we rock and pat his bottom until he gets drowsy

Finally we lay him down in his crib with an "I love you".  

Of course things will change a little bit as he gets older but I am cherishing these routines we are establishing now...

1 comment:

  1. wow you are good! do you do the bottle beforehand? The bottle was always last for me...but its best if you do it like you do so they dont fall asleep to bottles! Good for you momma!
