Sunday, April 24, 2011

Jesus knows what we need!

Today our Pastor preached on John 20:19-29.  Although not an unfamiliar passage, I loved what our Pastor directed our attention to this morning.  When the disciples were gathered together and Jesus appeared to them they had no trouble believing it was him.  However one of the disciples was missing and did not get to see Jesus when he appeared to the others.  He refused to believe the others when they told him what had happened.  It wasn't until Jesus appeared to Thomas and let him touch his hands, and side that he stopped doubting.  Jesus knew what Thomas needed! 

Isn't it the same with us today?  Jesus knows what we need and if are eyes and ears are attentive to His work in our lives we will see exactly how he provides for us each and everyday!  As I said in an earlier blog post I'm amazed each week during our adoption classes how God knows exactly what I'm needing to hear and what topics I need to process more about as we travel through this journey. 

Unlike Thomas and the other disciples we have not seen Jesus personally and yet still we choose to believe.  Jesus states "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed".  May you be blessed by an ever-present peace because of your belief today!  If you are reading this post and do not believe I urge you to contact me.  I'd love to share how Christ has worked and is working in my life simply because I have chosen to believe!

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