Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pregnant or Gift Shopping?

It  never dawned on me until now but I probably look really weird when I'm shopping for baby paraphernalia.  This past weekend we bought the car seat and stroller for our future baby.  Either the salespeople thought I was planning WAY ahead, or possibly thought I was just gift shopping for someone else.  (Have you seen the cost of a stroller?!  Wow I must be a generous person!  Haha!)  Because we are choosing to grow our family through adoption, this will probably come up a lot as we continue through the process.  I can hardly wait to see what people say in the store when we are registering!

A friend I was talking to the other day gave me a new perspective on where I am in our journey right now.  Although I may not be "pregnant", this is my "pregnancy"!  I stated in an earlier blog that starting the adoption process feels like having a positive pregnancy test.  Well now since my test was "positive" I'm doing what any normal pregnant mommy would do--I'm getting ready the baby!  However in my case the best part is I'm not tired or sick to my stomach!

One comment I have thought about is what people will say right after we get placement.  I'm sure many people, especially those who do not know us and our situation, will assume I gave birth to our child.  However if they look closely I would think they could tell that I am not someone who recently was in labor!  However if anyone comments on how great I look my first response will probably be, "Thanks!" with a big fat grin on my face!

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