Friday, October 14, 2011


Well it happened.  Yesterday, Thursday October 13th,  we got an urgent call from our caseworker saying there was a baby in Tucson if we wanted it!  After scrambling around like crazy people we threw stuff together, and drove to Tucson to meet our future son.  We are naming him Nathan Carlyle.  He weighs 8 lbs 4oz and was born at 3:35 AM on October 13th.  He is 21 inches long.  Birth Mom had virtually no pre-natal care but he is healthy and doing well!  Unfortunately at this time Birth Mom is pursuing a closed adoption.  We are praying that at some point she will be willing to have some sort of open relationship with us and Nathan.  Currently Birth Dad is out of the picture, we only have a first name to go by.  The next two months will be a waiting game as our agency searches for Birth Dad.  Please be in prayer for us as we take Nathan home and become accustomed to being parents!  Birth Mom is set to sign consents on Sunday. 


  1. I am sooo happy for you two! I cannot wait to meet hom. Much love ro your new family! Love, Logan

  2. Blessing to you all!! So happy for all 3 of you!

  3. This is great news! Prayers will continue your way! What a blessed little guy! :)

  4. That is the best thing I have heard all week!!! so happy for you guys!!!

  5. I knew yesterday was special, with vacation for you guys car accident, then Boom! A baby. Welcome to the roller coaster ride! And Congratulations on becoming parents. Now let the blessings rain down.

  6. Congrats Ben & Alisha! Arie and I will pray for a smooth situation with Birth Dad and signing over of rights!!

  7. I am so happy for you! This is gonna be fun to watch from afar!!!!! Love, LuCille Peveler

  8. I can't wait to meet him! God has definitely put him in the right hands. Congrats!
    Love, Karen

  9. Wow congratulations! We just started our paperwork and it is so exciting to see another family reach their goal! Can't wait to see pics of your new family!!!

  10. Hooray! Congratulations! Saying a prayer that his birthmom would at least be interested in receiving updates from you. That is a wonderful first step. :)
